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A Failure to Communicate

December 14, 2012

Life is full of surprises.

Sometimes things happen. There is also no accounting for how some people think…,0,4922094.story

manny-pacquiao was going to run for public office in the Philippines… with his strongest ability being that he can hit people in the head really hard…

Some of the smartest people say the stupidest things… and a lot of people are just downright stupid. Some whole countries are incredibly stupid. Most people have never been taught how to reason at all… and the end result is enormous poverty in many areas of the planet.

I have personally been witness to some of the most horrific poverty imaginable… with naked children running in the streets, living in a filth and squalor so inhuman that there is almost no regard for life itself…. undernourished babies, disease everywhere, and the stink is terrible. Their lives are hopeless… in a never-endless cycle of stupidity, laziness, filth, ignorance, and much of it tolerated my a major religion who’s only reason for existing is to raise more money for the church… to which they have total loyalty.

This is the planet we live on.

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